As a startup there are many unknowns from inception to actual production. We can help you determine your idea’s viability, navigate the patent and production process and help you get into production with partners that you can trust.

Supporting Startups in these industries:








Creating a product is exciting, and an opportunity to leave a legacy and make a bigger difference on many levels.  There are a multitude of decisions and risks in leading a start-up, a simple wrong decision or vendor can increase your burn rate and potentially stop you in your tracks.  We literally save our clients millions of dollars and that is critical in the early stages of production.

We work with startups in many different situations.

Where are you at?



Late night surfing on Alibaba has become an addiction. You have a solution to a problem but you don’t know if it has been done, you are voraciously doing research to investigate potential patents, manufacturers and at the same time, afraid to divulge too much information for fear of your intellectual property being stolen.  With each answer comes more questions and really you need a sounding board with experience to help you move forward.

Sounds like me, I want to talk!

You have a small team and promise:

You may be working out of an incubator, you’ve got proof of concept and need a cost-effective prototype on a dime for a funding presentation or show.  You are clearer on the product and not 100% on the business plan.  What you require is an advisor to point you in the right direction and help you ask the right questions.

Sounds like me, I want to talk!

YOU need to sharpen your pencil:

You are well on your way; you have detailed customer data, a business plan and developed product.  It is ready on many levels but you desperately need to find a new source, improve your sustainability footprint, increase your margins and be ready to elevate your branding. Knowing when to bring on Fractionalized services vs going on a hiring blitz is where we excel. We will help you form the right teams and secure the best candidates to properly scale your business for long term success..

Sounds like me, I want to talk!

Planning for the future:

Of course your business is going to be wildly successful. That’s the entrepreneurial mindset. We are here to do everything possible to make that happen. Part of that service is looking at how you plan to create long term wealth for yourself and ultimately for your employees. As founder of Alliance Masterminds and Alliance 2911 LLC, Keith has been instrumental in building a 500 member Business Development and Real Estate Investment Mastermind Community. We will show you how to develop retirement and investment strategies backed by real estate by starting your own Self Directed Retirement fund or 401K. You can even rollover those old underperformaing IRAs. Our backbone is a nationally renowned education system with over 90 8 hour classes covering every aspect of business development as well as any Real Estate Investment Strategy you can imagine. To enroll in a risk free test drive of all this community has to offer, or to attend one of our virtual property tours or introductions, click this link or just schedule a call with Keith by clicking the button on the botom of this page.

Sounds like me, I want to talk!

YOU need to sharpen your pencil:

You are well on your way; you have detailed customer data, a business plan and developed product.  It is ready on many levels but you desperately need to find a new source, improve your sustainability footprint, increase your margins and be ready to elevate your branding. Knowing when to bring on Fractionalized services vs going on a hiring blitz is where we excel. We will help you form the right teams and secure the best candidates to properly scale your business for long term success..

Sounds like me, I want to talk!

How we can work together:

Depending on the support you need, our work together can start with a simple 90 minute vision to reality strategy session where we help you develop YOUR plan for where you want your business to be 1-3-5 years out. That can develop into an intensive day session to explore the facets of your launch or on-going support or Real Estate Investment Strategies,. The best way to determine this is through a brief, preliminary conversation; to schedule time with Keith .